This week I was asked to speak to an art class at an international school about architecture. I don't know who I have more respect for, teachers who teach inner city kids, or teachers who teach missionary kids. It wasn't that bad and to be fair, I was told that 99% of the kids at that school aren't as out of control, and I must have just had a rambunctious class. My instructions from a fellow intern was that I would need to give a little talk about how architecture and art are related, and how one becomes an architect. I thought to myself that this would be fun and I wouldn't really need to do any prep work to talk about that stuff. So I got up in front of the class and the teacher asked me to tell the kids about the history of architecture beginning with the pyramids. I don't remember if I asked out loud or in my head if she was kidding me, but I think the look I gave her said enough. To start I told the kids that the Pyramids were built in 1984 for the Olympics and is considered by many to be Frank Lloyd Wrights finest work. No I didn't really say that, but I may or may not have made up a bunch of stuff almost as absurd to fill the time allotted. Even though I will probably never be asked to be a guest speaker at that school again, I actually did have fun.
Just a Random Photo that has nothing to do with my blog.
By the way- the internet is running super slow and I can't do spell check or spell many words, so sorry for any errors.