Sunday, December 9, 2007

Setting up a blog

Hello everyone,

This is my blog to keep everyone up to date on what is happening in Kampala, Uganda- hence why I called it Holla' from Kampala. Clever, huh.

First of all, I would like to thank everyone that has helped me financially and prayerfully. It means a lot to have you support me in this journey.

I am not exactly sure what will be the best way to send updates to everyone from Uganda, so I am thinking I might start out shotgunning it and posting the updates on Facebook, Myspace, and Blogspot. I will then send emails letting everyone know when I have posted an update, which I am sure will start out strong, and probably end a little weak.

I am excited for what God has for me in these coming months, and I cant wait to share what is going on. Everyone, please keep in touch.




Anonymous said...

Hey Zach. Just wanted to be the first one to comment in your blog. I really have nothing to say. But enjoy your trip, and I know God will use your talents mightily over there. Love ya, little brother.

kaye herbert said...

hi zach! christopher and i wish we could have said a proper goodbye, but we've been in texas visiting family. we will miss you while you're gone, but know that our prayers will be with you. can you put pictures on your blog? add lots of pictures if you can so it can be like we are there with you! we love you and are proud of you! peace! the herberts

Unknown said...

Hi Zach, So good to hear from you. I am working at SIL center in Dallas until i get my visa to Canada. anyways just wanted to say hello and that you are a great man!

God bless