Friday, April 25, 2008

Kids are pretty neat when you don't think about how dirty they are

I know the title of this blog is horrible, but if you read on I think I can redeem myself. Last week Some of us from EMI volunteered to do some activities with a school that is on an Island in Lake Victoria. Getting to the island was half the fun. We got into a narrow wooden boat and they gave us life jackets to put on. Some of the life jackets still had the straps and buckles. Mine didn't so I mostly just wore mine for style, since it was early 90's looking with fluorescent colors. When we got to the island, we took the kids outside and did what we thought would be simple games, but instructions got a little skewed during translation and we basically just ended up having kids run around. Then at the end, the kids brought out drums and sang and danced. If it didn't take 3 months to upload video from here, I would love to put it on my blog.
On kind of a bummer of a note, the old duplex that Jeremy and I stayed at when we were in Kampala, and where one of the EMI volunteers(Christoph) still lives was broken into this week. It actually happened in the middle of the night when Christoph was home. They took a laptop that belonged to EMI, a cellphone, and Christoph's shoes. What kind of hurts is we always joked about how if our house was ever broken into, it would be by our sketchy guard. To break into one of the houses in the compound, the guard made a long pole by attaching his baton to a stick with a hook at the end and poked that through a window to pick up keys that were sitting on a table. He left the pole apparatus with his baton behind, which made Christoph 50% sure it was the guard.

Now for a more uplifting story, Today I visited an orphanage to get ideas for the one we will be working on. There was an orphan who was found in a pit latrine around Christmas named Emmanuel. When the orphanage first received him, they put him on antibiotics, but he was taken off too soon. His brain started to swell and the doctors thought he was going to have brain damage. The people at the orphanage continued to take care of him and pray for him. He is now a healthy baby without any brain damage. The doctors were surprised at his condition. It was a pretty incredible feeling to just watch him sleep and to see him be at such peace. Kind of makes you wonder what plans God must have for him.

Not a picture of Emmanuel, but still precious


Bellissimo said...

The title actually reminds me of you. But on a more serious note, that's cool to see all that you guys are doing out there for God. Just talking and playing with the kids must be such a bless for both you and the kids! God bless!

kaye herbert said...

hey zach! chris and i really like reading your blog and the pictures are cool too! we love your sincerity and sense of humor, man we miss you!! we are still here in denver and looking into moving to austin. yay texas!! say hello to beautiful africa for us. keep up the posts, love em!

Anonymous said...

Hey Zach, how's it going? Thanks for posting the awesome "pics." That's how the kids say "pictures."